2011-01-24 @ 10:32pm
@2kjdream ㅋㅋㅋㅋkim밖에없는데요...?ㅋㅋ지금형이형이라구....
@2kjdream kekekeke There's nothing except 'kim'...? keke Now it's hyung who said it....
2011-01-24 @ 10:13pm
@skullhong 야!!! 내이름은 지워줘야하는거아냐?!!!!!!!! ㅎㅎ 볼링천재라고 나 무시하는구나......!! ㅎㅎ
@skullhong Yah!!! Don't you think you should erase my name?!!!!!!!! heehee So you're ignoring me because you're being called the Bowling Genius......!! heehee
2011-01-24 @ 10:06pm
2011-01-24 @ 10:06pm
@skullhong 형이 맛난단골집소개시켜줄게!!! ㅎㅎ 감기조심하구!! 아프면안되요오오오~~~~~~!!!!!!!
@skullhong Hyung will introduce a tasty restaurant hangout!!! heehee Be careful of catching flu!! Cannot fall sickkkk~~~~~~!!!!!!!
2011-01-24 @ 9:31pm
@90KKB 축하~~ 주소 좀 디엠으로 보내봐~~
@90KKB Congrats~~ Send me the address through DM~~
2011-01-24 @ 8:52pm
RT @HyungJun87: "@90KKB: 오늘 HnB Company 사무실이 이사했어요~ 화이팅!"
RT @HyungJun87: "@90KKB: We moved into HnB Company office today~ Hwaiting!"
2011-01-24 @ 8:51pm
RT @90KKB: 오늘 HnB Company 사무실이 이사했어요~ 화이팅!
RT @90KKB: We moved into HnB Company office today~ Hwaiting!
2011-01-24 @ 8:42pm
오늘 심심타파를 함께하지못해서 죄송합니다..^^ 하지만 저대신 오늘 솔로로멋지게돌아온 박정민님!! 이 함께해주십니다 수요일까지 지켜주신답니다 ^^ 목요일에 돌아갈께요. 신동박규리의 심심타파 많이사랑해주삼!!! ㅎㅎ
Sorry that I couldn't join for Shimshimtapa today..^^ but in place of me today is Park JungMin who returned splendidly as solo!! Please be with him. Will guard (my place) till Wednesday ^^ I will return on Thursday. Please give lots of love for ShinDong Park GyuRi's Shimshimtapa!!! heehee
2011-01-24 @ 8:42pm
오늘 심심타파를 함께하지못해서 죄송합니다..^^ 하지만 저대신 오늘 솔로로멋지게돌아온 박정민님!! 이 함께해주십니다 수요일까지 지켜주신답니다 ^^ 목요일에 돌아갈께요. 신동박규리의 심심타파 많이사랑해주삼!!! ㅎㅎ
Sorry that I couldn't join for Shimshimtapa today..^^ but in place of me today is Park JungMin who returned splendidly as solo!! Please be with him. Will guard (my place) till Wednesday ^^ I will return on Thursday. Please give lots of love for ShinDong Park GyuRi's Shimshimtapa!!! heehee
2011-01-24 @ 8:21pm
@mystyle1103 형도 훈남이요~~ 우잉?!! 베벵~~~ ㅎㅎ 길미끄러우니조심하세용~~~~
@mystyle1103 Hyung is also a nice/warm guy~~ Ooing?!! Baebaeng~~~ heehee Road is slippery so please be careful~~~~
2011-01-24 @ 7:42pm
비스트여 이것을보라 이게 나의실력이다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋlee가 나야 ㅋㅋㅋ아창피해 ㅋㅋㅋ http://yfrog.com/h49wwfzj
Beast, look at this, this is my skill/capability kekekekekeke 'Lee' is me kekeke Ah, embarrassed kekeke http://yfrog.com/h49wwfzj

*XiaoChu: look at the name of the player now playing on the pic!!!
*MiniUFO: According to what I read in Baidu, previously when Hongki' played with BEAST members his score was not very good. BEAST members even tweet to him: 'Hyung~ Don't play bowling anymore~". So now when KyuJong got a lower score than him, he is boasting to BEAST member to gain back his face.
If you notice the score, there's actually total 4 person playing, [Lee Kim Kim Kwon] there's actually 2 Kim, so HongKi was trying to defend him by saying nobody would know who was playing by looking at the initials if KyuJong didn't mentioned about this, but we know from the display screen name it was KyuJong playing. The other Kim, some has guess that it might be Kim HeChul, as for Kwon, it might be manager-nim HyungJin ajjeossi.... (This is just some guessing I saw in Baidu, don't take it too seriously ok! ^o^)
2011-01-24 @ 7:23pm
@2kjdream ㅋㅋ알겟습니다용 기댕겨요쫌만 ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream keke Alright I get it. Just wait for while more keke
2011-01-24 @ 7:23pm
@mystyle1103 형ㅋㅋ언제오세요
@mystyle1103 Hyung keke When are you coming
2011-01-24 @ 7:21pm
@skullhong ㅎㅎ좋은시간이었어어어!!볼링천재홍기Man!!! 다음에 또 즐기자구요!!!~~ ㅎ한국와서보자!!!~~~~~
@skullhong heehee It was a nice timeeee!! Bowling genius Hongki Man!!! Let's have fun again next time!!!~~ hee Let's meet when you're back in Korea!!!~~~~~
2011-01-24 @ 7:17pm
"@90KKB: 오늘 HnB Company 사무실이 이사했어요~ 화이팅!"
"@90KKB: We moved into HnB Company office today~ Hwaiting!"
2011-01-24 @ 7:19pm
@skullhong 아주 그냥 훈남들이네 ㅋㅋ
@skullhong Really just nice/warm guys keke
*XiaoChu: 훈남 is quite difficult to explain in English, it's referring to guys who are warm (passionate?)
2011-01-24 @ 7:21pm
@skullhong ㅎㅎ좋은시간이었어어어!!볼링천재홍기Man!!! 다음에 또 즐기자구요!!!~~ ㅎ한국와서보자!!!~~~~~
@skullhong heehee It was a nice timeeee!! Bowling genius Hongki Man!!! Let's have fun again next time!!!~~ hee Let's meet when you're back in Korea!!!~~~~~
2011-01-24 @ 7:17pm
"@90KKB: 오늘 HnB Company 사무실이 이사했어요~ 화이팅!"
"@90KKB: We moved into HnB Company office today~ Hwaiting!"
2011-01-24 @ 7:19pm
@skullhong 아주 그냥 훈남들이네 ㅋㅋ
@skullhong Really just nice/warm guys keke
*XiaoChu: 훈남 is quite difficult to explain in English, it's referring to guys who are warm (passionate?)
2011-01-24 @ 7:16pm
오늘 HnB Company 사무실이 이사했어요~ 화이팅!
We moved into HnB Company office today~ Hwaiting!
2011-01-24 @ 5:12pm
우왕우왕 코엑스에서도 not alone 인기!!!!!! http://plixi.com/p/72134959
Woang Woang not alone popularity even at COEX !!!!!! http://plixi.com/p/72134959

2011-01-24 @ 5:11pm
오랜만에만나규종이형과 ㅋㅋㅋ http://twitpic.com/3sxn50
It's been a long time since I met with KyuJong hyung kekeke http://twitpic.com/3sxn50

2011-01-24 @ 3:17pm
@JungMin0403 아임 백!! 돌아왔지 ㅎㅎ 바보 폭설이겠지!! 폭우아니죠!! ㅎ 무대잘봐썽언제놀러갈지모르니 늘 긴장하라구!!!!!! ㅎㅎ
@JungMin0403 I am back*!! I've returned heehee Silly, it is snow storm!! Not downpour!! hee Have a good performance, I don't know when I will go and look for you so always stay healthy!!!!!! heehee
*XiaoChu: Kyu wrote the konglish of 'I AM BACK'
2011-01-24 @ 3:17pm
@JungMin0403 아임 백!! 돌아왔지 ㅎㅎ 바보 폭설이겠지!! 폭우아니죠!! ㅎ 무대잘봐썽언제놀러갈지모르니 늘 긴장하라구!!!!!! ㅎㅎ
@JungMin0403 I am back*!! I've returned heehee Silly, it is snow storm!! Not downpour!! hee Have a good performance, I don't know when I will go and look for you so always stay healthy!!!!!! heehee
*XiaoChu: Kyu wrote the konglish of 'I AM BACK'
2011-01-24 @ 11:15am
마지막 공연 끝내고.... 두 배우님들 수고했어요^^http://spic.kr/33C1
Ending the last performance.... two actor/actress you've worked hard^^http://spic.kr/33C1

Credit: xiaochu @ Quainte501.com + planethyun@blogspot
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