Sunday, January 30, 2011

[Twitter] 110118 Boys tweet update

2011-01-18 12:32pm
@2kjdream ok~!!man~!!~*^^*일본갔다와서보쟈~*^^*
@2kjdream ok~!!man~!!~*^^*Let's meet after you return from Japan~*^^*

2011-01-18 @ 11:16am
@2kjdream 한국보다는 안 춥지만,습기가 많아서 그런지 으슬으슬 해!!따듯하게 입고 와!!!
@2kjdream Even though it is not as cold as Korea, but because of high humidity, still feels chilly!! Dress up warmly when you come!!!

2011-01-18 @ 11:11am
@woosangil 잘모르겠어요 ㅠ 형진아찌 한테 물어볼게요 ㅎ!! 형 한국은 정말추워요 ㅠ 그쪽은 어때요?!~
@woosangil I don't know I will ask uncle HyungJin hee!! Hyung, Korea is really cold How is it over there?!~

2011-01-18 @ 11:10am
@hyeongjin2 고고싱!!!^^ 운전조심 감기조심!!!!~~~ ㅎㅎ
@hyeongjin2 Gogosing!!!^^ Drive carefully, be careful of catching a cold!!!!~~~ heehee

2011-01-18 @ 11:10am
@parkggang37 감기조심해 !!^^ 일본다녀와서 봐야하나?~~
@parkggang37 Be careful of catching a cold !!^^ Should we meet after I return safely from Japan?~~

2011-01-18 @ 9:39am
@hyeongjin2 @2kjdream 몇시 비행기야~?
@hyeongjin2 @2kjdream What time is the flight~?

2011-01-18 @ 9:13am
@2kjdream 오~~~일찍일어났고만 ㅎㅎ. 형도 지금 종로가는중 ㅋㅋ. 대사관 고고씽~~~
@2kjdream Oh~~~You woke up early heehee. Hyung is also on my way to Jongno now keke. Gogosing to the Embassy~~~

2011-01-18 @ 9:03am
@2kjdream 굿모닝이다~*^^*
@2kjdream Good Morning~*^^*

2011-01-18 @ 8:24am
@kkangjii 생일축하해요^^!!! ㅎㅎ 맛있는거언제먹으러가지이?~ 요즘 추운데 감기조심하구!!! ~~~ 
@kkangjii Happy birthday^^!!! heehee When are we going to eat delicious food?~ It's cold these days, take care not to catch a cold!!! ~~~

Credit: xiaochu @ + planethyun@blogspot
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