Friday, December 10, 2010

[Twitter] 101205 Boys tweet update

2010-12-05 @ 8:53pm
아 배불러!밥먹고 지금은 다국어공부하고있어요! 잼나잼나~감기조심하시게
Ah, I'm so full! I ate and I am not studying different languages! Interesting interesting~ Be careful of flu

2010-12-05 @ 8:52pm
日本の みんな!!!! 聞きたい クリスマスソング あるかい???? 某集中!!!!だから教えて!!!歌ってやるから!!
Everyone in Japan!!!! Is there any Christmas songs you want to hear????Consolidating!!!! Therefore please tell me!!! I am going to sing!!

2010-12-05 @ 8:49pm
Hello everyone ! What's up? How have you guys been I'm practice for my japan's fan meeting! Byebye! See u soon!
*Hee... now JungMin learning English also... ^^

2010-12-05 @ 8:45pm
Good night! What is everyone doing now? I have eaten *.* I am practicing for fan meeting in Japan! You have to look forward to it!

2010-12-05 @ 1:49pm
어제는 정말 감사했습니다..^^ 정말 감사드려요.!! 같이 늙어요..! 우리..^^ ㅎ
Really Thank you for yesterday..^^ Thank you very much.!! Grow old together..! We..^^ hee

2010-12-05 @ 1:48pm
@woosangil 칸코쿠 킷데요!! ㅠ ㅎㅎ 키노우와 펜미팅 얏다요!! 칸도우데시타.. ㅠㅠ ㅎㅎ 형 보고싶네요^^ 감기조심하시구 빨리뵈요~~^^!
@woosangil Waiting for you in Korea!! ㅠ heehee We had our fan meeting yesterday!! I was so touched.. ㅠㅠ heehee Hyung, I miss you^^ Be careful of the flu and meet up soon~~^^!

2010-12-05 @ 6:09am
@2kjdream 모치롱 니혼데스요~ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream I am in Japan~keke

2010-12-05 @ 1:09am
@HyungJun87 혼자 웃냐 ㅋㅋ 같이 웃자 ㅋ
@HyungJun87 Are you smiling by yourself keke Let's smile together ke

2010-12-05 @ 1:08am

Credits: xiaochu @ + planethyun@blogspot
Do not re-edit + HOTLINK
Give proper credit when reposting, thanks!

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