Sunday, October 17, 2010

[Twitter] YS / KJ & HJB tweet [ 08.10.2010]

2010-10-08 @ 10.52pm
@2kjdream 푸하 동영상말하는겨? 부끄부끄
@2kjdream Puha are you talking about the video? shy shy

2010-10-08 @ 10.08pm
@pdjaeho ㅋㅋ알겠어요~전화하고갈게요~
@pdjaeho keke Got you~ I will give you a call before I go~

2010-10-08 @ 10.01pm
@mystyle1103 자전거 알아보게 스윗튠으로 와~~~~~
@mystyle1103 Have to check on the bicycle, come over to Sweet Tune~~~~~
*XiaoChu: I think Sweet Tune is the name of a composer/lyricist?!

2010-10-08 @ 8.26pm
@Steven_Lee_ LA영상유투브에올리고싶어요~다시봐도명작이에요ㅋㅋ
@Steven_Lee_ I want to upload LA video to youtube~ It's a masterpiece even when I watch it once again keke

2010-10-08 @ 7.35pm
@jayfrombuttaluv 만두형에게 형 강의살짝빌렸는데 잘보겠습니다아아 ^^
@jayfrombuttaluv hyung borrowed lecture from Mandoo hyung, I will watch it well ^^

2010-10-08 @ 7.33pm
@jayfrombuttaluv 형님 티브이에서 무한도전재방송보는데 형의 녹는음성을 들을수있네요 ㅎㅎ !!!
@jayfrombuttaluv Hyung-nim, I was watching the repeat telecast of Infinite Challenge on TV and I'm able to hear hyung's melting voice heehee !!!

2010-10-08 @ 5.15pm
@HyungJun87 맨날 달리니까 아프지..푹쉬어~~
@HyungJun87 You'll get tired cos you run everyday.. Have a good rest~~

2010-10-08 @ 4.58pm
@pdjaeho 자전거콜~~~~~~~~~ㅋ더추워지기전에ㅠ
@pdjaeho Bicycle Call~~~~~~~~~ke Before it gets too cold ㅠ
*XiaoChu: Bicycle Call is literal translation. he meant that he's fine to go cycling..

=Steven Lee=
2010-10-08 @ 3.44pm
@mystyle1103 그러게 여기 가을날씨 예술인데 ㅋㅋ 나 오늘 울 사진찍은거 디지털액자에 전부 넣었음!! 허감독이 만든 슬라이드보단 못하지만 ㅠㅜ
@mystyle1103 Yea, the autumn weather here is really classic (good) keke I put all the photos we took into the digital frame today!! Even though it's not any better than the slideshow that Director Heo made ㅠㅜ

2010-10-08 @ 3.06pm
@HyungJun87 언제부터야 형준?
@HyungJun87 When is it starting, HyungJun?

2010-10-08 @ 1.57pm
난 멈추지 않는다! 달리는거야 ! 화이팅!
I won't be stopping! Will be running ! Hwaiting!

2010-10-08 @ 12.31pm
@HyungJun87대사 짱많더만...떨리겠고만 흐흐 잘할끄야!
@HyungJun87 You've a massive load of lines... You must be really nervous heuheu it'll turn out well!

2010-10-08 @ 3.07am
@mystyle1103 @2kjdream 벵쿄 시테!!마에와 겟코 샤베레타노니,못타이나이!!규종와 마다 니혼고 다이죠부다요네!!
@mystyle1103 @2kjdream bengkyu site!! mayewa gyetko syaberetanoni, motta inai !! KyuJong wa mada nihongo daijyubu dayo ne (Japanese)
(Study!! Last time you could speak quite well so it's such a waste!! Kyujong japanese will be ok again, right!!)

2010-10-08 @ 1.59am
@HyungJun87 형이랑도 해야지. 형 뮤지컬 제작감독이자나. 공연 보러간다! 그리고 전에 말한거 언제 만나?
@HyungJun87 Should have done with hyung too. Hyung is a musical play director. I will be going to watch your musical! And as I said before, when are we meeting?

2010-10-08 @ 12.15am
@zakkykim 11월 24일 첫공연해요
@zakkykim 24 November first public performance

=Sj861117sj Sung Je Kim=
2010-10-08 @ 12.48am
@mystyle1103 음~ 할말이 많다 10일날 한국들어가니까 한국에서 보자고~ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Hm~ I have lots to tell you. Since I'm going back on the 10th, let's meet in Korea then~ heehee

2010-10-08 @ 12.47am
@Sj861117sj ㅋㅋ난집이지~나도일본가고싶었는데ㅠ이제는시간이안될듯~~ㅋㅋ
@Sj861117sj keke I am at home~ I also wanna go Japan ㅠ I think I don't have the time now~~ keke

=Sj861117sj Sung Je Kim=
2010-10-08 @ 12.41am
@mystyle1103 여기서보니까 색다른데~! 나 지금 일본이야~ 너어디야! ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 It's different when seeing (you) from here~! I am now in Japan~ Where are you! keke

2010-10-08 @ 12.35am
@Sj861117sj 와우~~드디어빨로우가됐어~
@Sj861117sj Wow~~Finally followed~

2010-10-08 @ 12.23am
@mystyle1103 와우 우리영생이

@mystyle1103 Wow our YoungSaengie

=Soie2e Sin Eun Kyeong=
2010-10-08 @ 12.19am
@mystyle1103 어딜요?ㅋ
@mystyle1103 Where are u? ke

=jjjjjin2yo Park Jin Sun =
2010-10-08 @ 12.16am
@mystyle1103 술 ㅋㅋ 못 끊는다고 ㅋ
@mystyle1103 Alcohol keke unable to quit on it ke

2010-10-08 @ 12.15am
@jjjjjin2yo 너한테머라하는데?
@jjjjjin2yo What are they doing to you?

2010-10-08 @ 12.14am
@Soie2e 넌가지마
@Soie2e Don't you go

2010-10-08 @ 12.10am
@2kjdream 강민이옷스타일이너랑같아진다ㅡㅡ
@2kjdream KangMin's fashions style has became similar to yours ㅡㅡ

2010-10-08 @ 12.03am
@mystyle1103 사주고. 말해~~ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Buy me (BBQ). Say it~~keke

2010-10-08 @ 7.25am
@mystyle1103 말이라두 해줘야져 ㅎㅎ. 빨랑 자전거타러가자.
@mystyle1103 Should have told me heehee. Let's quickly ride a bicycle and go.


XiaoChu @
Do not re-edit+HOTLINK
Please repost with full credit... kamsahamnida!

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