2010-10-15 @ 6.55pm
@JungMin0403 내가 더 잘해볼거다!
@JungMin0403 I will do it better than you!
2010-10-15 @ 7.43pm
@2kjdream 추카해김규종이 ㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Congratulation KyuJongie kekeke
2010-10-15 @ 7.40pm
@JungMin0403 yo 정민!!아 ㅋㅋㅋ
@JungMin0403 yo JungMin!!ah kekeke
2010-10-15 @ 7.26pm
알아 ㅎㅎㅎ 난 시간 언제든 낼테니 튕기지나 말고 형준이자식 뮤지컬 힘내 나만큼만 하면 인정받는닼ㅋㅋ
Got it hhh, I can fork out time anytime, so don't keep bouncing your time off; that Hyungjun lad ah, keep fighting, if you put in as much effort as I did, you'll gain recognition ya kkk (Ode)
I know heeheehee I can make time (for you) anytime, don't flick it off, HyungJun this kid, working hard on musical, you can get recognition if you do it like me keke (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 7.00pm
@HyungJun87 뭐야 ~~ 너는 !! 뮤지컬연습 열심히하란말야~~~!!!! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 What~~ You !! Work hard for your musical rehearsals~~~!!!! hhhh (Ode)
@HyungJun87 What~~ You !! I say you should work hard for your musical rehearsals~~~!!!! heeheeheehee (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 7.00pm
@JungMin0403 미쿡으로부터 전달받은것!! you know?! ㅎㅎ
@Jungmin0403 Should have been delivered from the US back then!! you know?! hh (Ode)
@Jungmin0403 Was received from USA!! you know?! heehee (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 6.55pm
너네 왜이래!!
Why are you people like this!!
2010-10-15 @ 6.54pm
선물!!!!ㅎㅎㅎ마음의 선물이면 사람부린다!!ㅎㅎ
Present!!!! hhh, if it is a gift of the heart, humans will be tamed!! hh (Ode)
Gift!!!! heeheehee If it is a gift from the heart, you can buy in to people!! heehee (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 6.49pm
@JungMin0403 유후 땡큐맨!!^^ 언제나 화이팅하구!!~~ 시간날때보자 ㅎ 선물아직나에게있다구우~^^
@JungMin0403 Yoohoo thank-you man!!^^ Fighting always!!~~ See you when you're free h, I still have a gift for you~^^ (Ode)
@JungMin0403 Yoohoo thank you man!!^^ Always Fighting!!~~ Let's meet when you have time hee Still have a gift from me~^^ (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 6.39pm
이제 정신차리고 기사봤다!! 영생이형 규종아!! 축하하고 힘내고 더더더 홧팅해서 성공하고 멋지게 뭉치자!!^^ 제안서 보낼께 ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm now more conscious and saw the articles already!! Youngsaeng hyung and Kyujong ah!! Congrats and put in more power, keep fighting more and more and more so as to let us make our successful and awesome congregation!!^^ I'll send in a suggestion proposal kkk (Ode)
Now I'm getting better and saw the news!! YoungSaeng hyung, KyuJong-ah!! Congratulations and keep it up, keep fighting more more more, let's reunite successfully and awesomely!!^^ I will send you a proposal kekeke (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 1.12pm
@HyungJun87 요~~브라덜~ 기대하겠어 맨~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 Yo~~Brother~ Anticipating man~~
@HyungJun87 Yo~~Brother~ Will be looking forward to it man~~kekeke (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 11.49am
@HyungJun87 요~~브라덜~ 기대하겠어 맨~~
@HyungJun87 Yo~~Brother~ Anticipating man~~
@HyungJun87 Yo~~Brother~ Will be looking forward to it man~~ (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 9.14am
오랜만에 신문사 인터뷰를 하러갑니다~
Am going to go to do papers interview in such a long while~
I am going for a newspaper interview which I haven't done in a long while~
2010-10-15 @ 2.48am
@mystyle1103 @2kjdream 잔소리만하고,축하를 안했네... 마지막까지 의리 지키고 ㅋㅋ 멋진놈들ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 @2kjdream Full of naggings, didn't congratulate you yet... remaining loyal till the end keke great guys keke (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 12.27am
@2kjdream 뿡
@2kjdream ppung
2010-10-15 @ 12.13am
Be the change that you want to see in the world. 이 세상을 향한 그대의 소망대로 그대 자신이 먼저 그렇게 변하라 -마하트마 간디- 오늘도 다들 좋은 밤 되세요^^ 내일을 맞이할 준비해야죠 굿나잇~
Be the change that you want to see in the world. In the exact way that you want of this world, remember to first change yourself in that manner -Mahatma Kandi- Everyone have a good night today as well^^ Gotta prepare for tomorrow as well ya. Goodnight~ (Ode)
Be the change that you want to see in the world. To change this world into what you wished for, you have to change yourself as that first -Mahatma Gandhi- Have a good night today too^^ Must prepare for tomorrow Good night~ (XiaoChu)
2010-10-15 @ 12.04am
@HyungJun87 화이팅 맨!!!!! 유후..^^
@HyungJun87 Hwaiting man!!!!! yoo hoo..^^
Boys tweet translation: SS501ode.blogspot.com / XiaoChu @ Quainte501.com +
Boys' friends tweet translation: PlanetHyun.blogspot.com
Do not re-edit+HOTLINK
Please repost with full credit... kamsahamnida!
Boys tweet translation: SS501ode.blogspot.com / XiaoChu @ Quainte501.com +
Boys' friends tweet translation: PlanetHyun.blogspot.com
Do not re-edit+HOTLINK
Please repost with full credit... kamsahamnida!
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