Monday, June 21, 2010

[Info] SS501 Kim Hyun Joong Japan homepage?

OK… I think many of us are being confused at this moment…

I posted about Hyun Joong First DVD and photobook in Japan from this homepage…

However, at this moment… no one can answer this Hyun Joong Japan homepage is established by who…

Is he sign a company in Japan? Or is it just a official fansite?

I really not sure at this moment..

I just know this website have events and products coming with Hyun Joong

So they definitely got approved by him personally.

Maybe this is one of his solo activities in Japan… He always got some solo activity in Japan before… not a surprise

This time they may open a website for him just for promotion

Meanwhile, we should wait for more announcement from this website or from Hyun Joong…

Just don’t speculate and panic in this moment ^^

Now, the website is opening for the DVD and photobook promotion only..

Others pages like member area will be opened on mid-August

Here is the address and some screen captured:

DVD and Photobook promotion:

Profile page: (See… he is still SS501 Kim Hyun Joong ^^)


Do not reedit or Hotlink photo
Please repost with full credit... kamsahamnida!

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