Thursday, May 6, 2010

[Video][Text Translation] The reason why SS501 Kim Hyun Joong star in “As a Man” MV ~ tvN E NEWS-Behind STAR-Gummy

The host asked about the reason why Hyun Joong will be chosen to act in this MV

Is it because of friendship(loyalty)?

Mostly, she said that it is very difficult to find a suitable male actor to star in the MV

She and Hyun Joong are very best friends longtime ago

So she ask him if he can help her and of course, Hyun Joong accepted the offer very fast.

Also, before filming the MV, SS501 had another filming schedule to attend.

Hyun Joong just rush to the filming site at midnight after filming SS501 schedule

He also need to continue filming for 2 over night before going to Japan for concert

The host also ask why are they become good friend

Gummy said Hyun Joong was introduced by TVXQ Hero Jae Joong to her

Because both of us are very passionate about music and their compatible personality so make them very closed

Then, the host ask if Hyun Joong really love to drink

Gummy said Hyun Joong drank more before but recently is more control on his diet and exerise a lot

But Hyun Joong will drink more with his friend because they love drinking

They will drink even not in a party…

Here is the video:


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Please repost with full credit... kamsahamnida!

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