Sunday, May 9, 2010

[Video/Audio][Fanvid] Mom, Dad, I love you ~ ♡ – Parent’s Day+Mother’s Day Greetings ~ Happy Mother’s Day to all

Today is Mother’s day of most countries …

I want to wish to all of you out there a Happy Parent’s Day+Mother’s Day ^_^

and to my mother ... happy mother day mom! ... you are the best mother in the world!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers around the world! ^^


Hangeul and English Translation:

안녕하세요~ SS501입니다!!
Annyonghaseyo~ we’re SS501!!

네~ 드디어 5월 8일 어버이날이 찾아왔습니다~
그럼, 감사의 메세지를 한 분, 한 분 전해 드릴까요?
Yeah~ Finally May 8th is here~
Then, shall we present our greetings one by one?

예~ 안녕하세요~ 규종입니다~
네~ 어머니, 아버지 저 규종인데요~
올해도 말 잘 듣고 더욱 더 건강하고
열심히 노력하는 그런 아들 될테니까요..
우리 어머니, 아버지두요 건강하시구
올해 좋은 일만 가득했으면 좋겠어요~ 고맙습니다~
Yeah~ annyonghaseyo~ (he made that heehee sound, owww)
I’m KyuJong~
Ne~ Mum, Dad, I’m KyuJong~
I listened well to your words and will become a more hardworking child
and healthier child..
Mother and Father be healthy too
If only pleasant matters will fill you in this year then that’d be wonderful~
Thank youuu~

네~ 형준입니다~
엄마, 아빠 정말 감사하구요..
항상 노력해서 최고가 되는 모습 보여 드릴때까지
항상 건강하시구 사랑합니다..
열심히 하겠습니다.. 사랑해요~
Ne~ I’m HyungJun~
Mum, Dad really thank you two..
Because I’ve been always working hard to show my best side
Until that day when I become the best
Please always be healthy
and I love you..
Will work hard.. Love you~

네~~ 저 현중인데..
엄마, 아빠의 그런.. 하나 하나 늘어가는 주름살만큼..
더 효도를 하도록 노력하겠습니다~
그리구 SS501의 부모님들..
정말 소중한 멤버들 만나게 해주셔서
정말 감사드립니다~
Ne~~ this is HyunJoong..
those..aging wrinkles that’s appearing one by one on mum on dad..
As you grow older.. I will work hard to filial you two~
And also to SS501′s parents..
For the reason why I met such precious members
Really thank you to you all~

엄마, 아빠~ 나 정미니~~
어… 엄마, 아빠 사랑하는만큼
마니 벌어다 줄께~~
mum dad~ am Jungmin nya~~
em… I will love you two more with my all~~
I love you~~~♥

어.. 엄마..
어.. 이제 좀 아프지 좀 말고~
또 우리 싸우지 말고..
친하게 지내자~~ㅎㅎ
emm.. Don’t feel heartache anymore~
let’s not fight again anymore..(background: laughs)
Let’s live with closerness~~ hh

그럼, 엄마, 아빠 사랑해요~ 라고 한 번 하고 마무리 인사할까요?
하나, 둘, 셋~
(leader:) Then shall we say our final greetings “Mum, Dad ILU~”?

엄마, 아빠 사랑해요~~♡
Dad, Mum, I LOVE YOU~~♡

Chinese Translation:


Original Credit: HD_MIN@SS601+
Video re-upload:jjanghj0606@YT
Chinese Translation: Translation: Ode@blogspot+SS501fighting@wordpress
Do not reedit or Hotlink photo
Repost with full credit... kamsahamnida!

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