Saturday, May 29, 2010

[News+Photo] Hyun Joong ~ Another CF shooting of Hotsun Chicken… with MASK

More photos from 더스타 &

From Artsnews:

The contract model of Hotsun Chicken idol group SS501 (Kim Hyun Joong, Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong, Park Jung Min, Kim Hyung Jun) Kim Hyun Joong’s CF filming at Namyangju-si Gyeonggi-do this May 28 at 11:00 a.m. was released from the studio.

Last year, Kim Hyun Joong starring in the drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’ who select as a model for Hotsun Chicken in public definitely keep positions it the powerhouse of grilled chicken.

Meanwhile, SS501′s Kim Hyun Joong’s recent collided car accident ended up with a rib contusion, diagnosis of abrasion wear a displaced for 2 weeks. Without being affected by the injury, fans were impressed by his performance on Dream concert stage.


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