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Please repost with full credit, kamsahamnida!

Stars spend time to fish, and gradually, those who fell for the fishing relaxation, and the magic that those hands could produce to do so, have been becoming obvious.
(only HJ part)
Korea International Fishing Fair secretariate has said, "Ever since a high school student, Kim HyunJoong had begun fishing as a 'fishing genius'." and "As group SS501's member too, Kim Hyun Joong who has to partake in singer activities, drama filming etc across the city, he still forks out time amidst his busy schedule to go to the vicinity where there is sea, and just enjoy fishing without any hesitation".
Besides Kim HyunJoong, there is also in addition, Ju Jin-mo, Kim Rae-won, Jo Han-sun, who also enjoys fishing, these 4 thus earned themselves a nickname "Fishing world's F4".
Through these various leisure activities that celebrities carry out as part of their hobbies despite the hectic schedules and irregular involvements, stress could be reduced. With an occupation as a celebrity, health could be easily affected negatively, leisure sports could bring about stress and relaxation at the same time. It is a very beneficial hobby activity for health. We look forward to seeing news of victory from them this year.
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