Saturday, December 5, 2009

SS501 will not attend “Melon Music Awards” , Kara not decided

Source: TV Daily + (English translation) sss501fighting.wordpress

Please repost with FULL credit, kamsahamnida!


Best Group ‘SS501′ announced withdrew from attending the Mellon Music Awards .

DSP Entertainment official company of ‘SS501′ in a telephone interview with TV Daily declard that ” ‘SS501′ on the Asian Tour calendar cannot be attend, ‘Kara’ also seems unlikely to attend but not confirmed yet,” he said .

Prior to this, SM Entertainment’s’ Girls’ Generation ‘and’ super junior ‘reveals that it’s possible to attend Mellon Music Awards. The stars list expected to be ‘ SS501 ‘’s absence and ‘ Kara ” Big Bang ‘are undecided whether to attend.

Meanwhile, Mellon Music Awards covering the best of the 16 awards of released songs, albums during the year. Ceremony will be held at 7pm in the Olympic Hall, Olympic Park .

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