Wednesday, September 9, 2009

[News] SS501’s Kim Hyung-joon & Super Junior’s Shin-dong join forces

… to help the environment?

Talk about idol overload!

SS501’s Kim Hyung-joon,
2AM’s Jo-kwon, Super Junior’s Shin-dong and Brian will all star in a new environmentally themed SBS variety show. The program, titled “Find it! Green Gold“, will feature the group riding around town on bicycles, finding places with environmental problems and then solving said problems using their ingenious ecological know-how.

The program’s concept sounds simple enough, but I have a feeling it’s the show’s cast that will rake in the viewers. Seriously, could you imagine what kind of crazy antics these goofballs would get into?! I’m heavily anticipating seeing Jo-kwon and Brian joke around together. Heck, I’d anticipate seeing Jo-kwon and anyone joke around together. That diva is hilarious!

I know I’ll be watching this potentially side-splitting (and environmentally friendly) program, but will you guys tune in?

credit: popseoul

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